KDE vs Gnome

Stegozor stegozor at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 01:21:42 UTC 2006

On 8/26/06, mike williams <a-bracmike at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Is it possible to have both and if so,where can i get KDE since I already
> have Gnome.

It is possible, I have Gnome, KDE 2.5 and IceWM (light window manager
for old computers). Just launch synaptic and look for kde. Once it is
installed you can choose the window manager you want to use when
you're logging in.

But before you proceed, wait for further replies as I don't know
whether having several window managers installed have some side
effects (I'm a newbie :). I didn't remark any issue so far, but
prudence is a virtue, isn't it?

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