Matt Smith sysmatt at
Fri Aug 25 08:08:19 UTC 2006

Currently, I am trying to swing my office over to as much open source as
possible. But I'm pushing an app migration first, I've already had some home
users cut over completely. I have a few outstanding issues, and perhaps
someone can help me out with them or at least point me in the right

X3270/AS 400 Emulator.

Currently in the windows environment they have a terminal emulator that
connects into an as 400, and supports all the function keys, its not hard to
configure. What I'm looking for is an X alternative, something that can
support proper window scaling and fonts, as well as proper ansi color
schemes. But the hardest thing I'm having to find is a term emulator, and
maybe gterm or xterm or any of those can do it, but if so how on earth do I
configure them to do it? is there a conf file? I'm currently reading man
xterm, and well its not something I'm enjoying reading before bed to even
find out if it can ... so hell a simple YES IT DOES SUPPORT EXTENDED
FUNCTION KEYS YOU FIND IT IN /etc/xterm.conf or something would be nice.

Oh and one other point for discussion .... really whats so evil about pico?
my baby even loves the sound of it


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