Dapper complete system freeze---could be 'ati' driver or epiphanybrowser

Wenzhuo Zhang wenzhuo at zhmail.com
Fri Aug 25 04:52:56 UTC 2006

The symptoms on my ThinkPad X32 is exactly the same as yours. I filed
a bug report <https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/55570>
earlier this month. I guess it's a duplicate of <https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/50687>.

My laptop doesn't lock up anymore after switching to the vesa driver.

jlh wrote:
> I have the same problem.  I installed dapper on my Thinkpad T30 a month
> ago.  I encounter random total freezes, and all I can to is shut down
> using the on/off button, and restart the computer.
> There's no predicting when this will happen.  I've spent evenings on
> the machine with no freeze, shut it down, restarted the next day, and
> encountered a freeze within an hour. 
> The freezing seems less likely using Galeon or Opera, than Firefox or
> Flock.  
> I agree this is a very frustrating condition.  I've run Fedora and Suse
> for more than two years on the same laptop.  Never had any similar
> problem.

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