Getting a list of previous updates by time?

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Thu Aug 24 20:12:56 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-08-24 at 14:19 +0900, Jan Moren wrote:
> Thanks. But not go I'm afraid. None of them contain the data I need;
> just the logs from the breezy->dapper dist-upgrade.

I see. Hmmm, i googled a bit but found no info. I'd suggest you file a
but launchpad for the missing logfile. I have searched there and found
I think keeping no log (or no log that can be found; there isn't even a
man page for update-manager) for changes done to the system qualifies as
a bug, the worst that can happen is that someone tells you where it
is :)

> I'd do a clean reinstall of dapper 

Good luck. You might want to try to use Synaptic (which definitely keeps
a history) or aptitude (which keeps a log file) for the action for which
you used update-manager last time.

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