Ubuntu vs Freespire

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Aug 24 15:29:29 UTC 2006

Steve Barnhart wrote:

> Umm except for the fact that all hammers are basically the same. There
> may be many kinds of software that when it comes down to it, is used
> to do the same thing, but does it differently. What exactly should the
> kids be taught then? Just grammar? Tools that every wordproccessor
> should have?

For the part of using a word processor that actually involves processing
words, grammar would be a good thing.  And spelling.  And using _whole_
words.  Typing would be nice too.  None of these require knowing Office.

For the part that involves using a "word processing program", they should be
taught how to _find_ what they need.  They're usually using obsolete
software anyway, and Office keeps changing the UI, so just showing them
what buttons to push isn't even necessarily useful if they never use any
other program.

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