how to install an older version of bash?

Luqman luqman_ngs at
Thu Aug 24 09:28:35 UTC 2006

> Luqman wanted us to know:

>hello Scott,
>> Scott J. Henson wanted us to know:
>>Generally you don't want to install earlier versions of
>>bash.  There are other ways of getting what you want.  What
>>are you trying to do that you think that you need an earlier
>>version of bash?
>Well, I need to install ns2 (network simulator 2) which requires
>tcl8.4.5. tcl installation however does not work. configure/make
>scripts seems to be crafted for older versions of bash. I came to know
>that 3.1 version is very fussy since a few obvious mistakes in scripts
>were ignored by older bash versions but 3.1 gave warning and stopped.
>BTW, I came across Ubuntu package search toolbar in firefox and found
>older bash versions from Hoary, Warty and Breezy. Do you think it is 
>safe to install an older version. Or will it be a big mess?

Well, I risked installing the old version while keeping the one shipped
with dapper and it worked fine for me so far. I just had to link it to
/bin/sh and my script that was not being executed with the latest bash
version ran without any trouble.



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