I am *SO* going to turn off automatic updates.

Richard Downing richard at langside.org.uk
Thu Aug 24 09:16:43 UTC 2006

Andy Jones wrote:
> Ah, the very young....
> Without X I can still program, rip CDs, write CDs, move files around,
> answer my email...
> Of course, I'd still be swearing like a trooper if I had to go without
> X for a couple of days...!
> Andy.
> [One of those sad b*ggers who started computing with UNIX]

Damned new fangled programs, namby-pamby transistors!  Program in
machine code, enter it on the handswitches, read the results from the
register lamps.  You guys don't know what computers are.

[One of those sad b*ggers who started computing with Vacuum Tubes, and
who still thinks FORTRAN was a mistake.]

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