Rebuilt kernel => no consoles?

Alan Mckinnon alan at
Thu Aug 24 07:26:26 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-23 at 12:45 -0400, David Abrahams wrote:
> Alan Mckinnon <alan at> writes:
> > On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 13:40 -0400, David Abrahams wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> I just rebuilt the ubuntu 2.6.15 kernel from source (and applied the
> >> linux-phc patch) and I get no consoles with the new kernel when either
> >> "vga=791" or "splash" appear in the boot parameters.  I do get gnome,
> >> but ctrl-alt-F1 gives me a blank screen.  Does anyone know what I did
> >> wrong?  I didn't do anything special to include restricted modules,
> >> but I don't think my hardware depends on them.  Any help much
> >> appreciated!
> >
> > Funny you should mention that, I made the same mistake recently on
> > another distro... A few settings that are easy to miss:
> I just realized I could probably check this by doing "make menuconfig"
> again, so I did.

[snip differences between your menuconfig and mine]

I found it odd that you didn't have the same choices as me, so I looked
closer - the selections I mentioned all depend on EMBEDDED, so I must
have selected this somewhere... odd. These are vanilla sources patched
with the suspend2 stuff from gentoo (I don't have ubuntu's sources

Anyway, my last kernel update has also removed my consoles, and it has
something to do with framebuffers. I'll tell you the solution once I've
fixed it - drop me a reminder in a few days if I forget to report up :-)


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