Unable to mount the selected device: 2e Harddisk 160Gb int

Brendon brendontoogood at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 07:06:48 UTC 2006

Stephan Vissers wrote:
> Hi,
> I have got a second disk, one that I earlier used in an other system 
> with data on it,  installed on my old system. My ubuntu 6.06 does see 
> this in "My Computer" but it could not be opened. It gives the 
> following error message:
> "Unable to mount the selected device" (Harddisk 160Gb internal)
> error: device /dev/hdb1 is not removable
> error: could not execute pmount
> What should I do so that I can use this second disk?
> Thanks, Stephan
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hi there  i had the same problem as well, i had a look  in the  
/etc/fstab and it didn't have the drive in there,  so i had to add it 
manually,  here is a example of what i added to mine.

/dev/hdb1   /media/windows   vfat   user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000   0   0

i added that  you might have to  edit the above a bit but it works  ok 
for me.

  Brendon Toogood
  Ubuntu Linux Advocate
  Linux Registered User #417189

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