OT: Digium Alternatives

Eric S. Johansson esj at harvee.org
Wed Aug 23 02:25:28 UTC 2006

Al Gordon wrote:
> On 8/22/06, Eric S. Johansson <esj at harvee.org> wrote:
>> Charles Yao wrote:
>>> On 8/22/06, *Carlo Taguinod* <cvtaguinod at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:cvtaguinod at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>     Check also Sangoma[1] & Xorcom[2]
>>>     [1]http://www.sangoma.com/
>>>     [2]http://www.xorcom.com/products.html
>> what about when you only need 2 lines (i.e. home office) and each
>> computer becomes an extension (even over vpn :-)
> My network card is my alternative.  I use a VoIP provider called
> VoicePulse.  They provide Asterisk IAX termination and my one "line"
> with them can handle up to four simultaneous inbound and outbound
> calls (as long as my internet bandwidth can handle it).  No need for
> additional expensive hardware with restricted use drivers.

cool.  hmm they can handle my phone number.  I'll try to talk to them 
about a temp number to try out the service.  I'm rather cautious about 
voip as power fails around here about 10 times a year (today 1 hr outage 
on a nice sunny day).  as a result I have 2 line powered phones.  I also 
really need a quick start propane generator.

fwiw, only 1 cell carrier works around here and it is an ilec that I 
will not give any money to.

I was also burned by packet 8 and a friend in estonia has vonage.  both 
cases, quality went to hell at random time.  not acceptable for a soho 

but thanks for the ref

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