Newbie questions about updates

Paul Dwerryhouse paul at
Wed Aug 23 01:35:16 UTC 2006

On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 03:14:46AM +0200, Stegozor wrote:
> I've also heard that canonical provides only security updates. Does that 
> mean that to get newer versions one has to manage that himself? 

Updates are typically bugfixes to the same version of the software
that was provided at the original release. This means that when a new
version of an application is released that fixes a bug, the fix is
backported to the original version. If a completely new version of the
software was released, there's a good chance it might break something.
Fedora, for example, regularly has this problem in its updates. 

If you want newer software, you could try the backports repository.



Paul Dwerryhouse				| PGP Key ID: 0x6B91B584
Linoleum - Linux Programming Resources:

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