Compile Problem

Jhair Tocancipa Triana jhair.tocancipa at
Sat Aug 19 11:41:53 UTC 2006

José Paulo Matafome Oleiro writes:

> Hi there again people. I've got a new question for you guys.
> I'm using fluxbox, but I just can't compile programs from the source
> because the man pages that come with the program. Anyone knows how I can
> compile without the documentation?.
> for example not doing
> $ ./compile && make && make install

Shouldn't the first command be



> but doing this:
> $ ./compile --exclude man && make && make install (the --exclude man is
> e example of what I need).

If you are trying ./configure then

./configure --help

should show you the different configuratin options. The one you are
looking for could be

./configure --disable-man

or similar.



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