Upgrade failure: What now?

Gabriel M Dragffy dragffy at yandex.ru
Sat Aug 19 00:03:54 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-08-18 at 19:44 -0400, Mike Sussman wrote:
> Folks,
> I have tried to upgrade my Ubuntu Hoary system to KUbuntu Dapper,
> but the upgrade fails.  I would very much appreciate it if someone
> could
> point me to documentation or a Howto to help my complete this upgrade.
> I am running on a Dell Inspiron 8000 with a 900 MHz Intel CPU and 
> 512 MB of memory.  I have a multi-boot system with MS-Windows-ME
> and Ubuntu Hoary, with GRUB as bootloader.
> I made a copy of my existing Hoary system to a spare partition and
> booted
> it, just to be sure it worked.  Then I tried to upgrade it manually
> using
> the "standard" steps.
> 1.  Construct a clean /etc/apt/sources.list file pointing to dapper.
> 2.  sudo apt-get update
> 3.  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> 4.  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-base
> 5.  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
>From what I've heard you first need to upgrade to breezy and then
upgrade to dapper. I remember seeing a wiki entry about this, I think it
was here:

There is a little note at the bottom of that particular section, and I
quote "I would NOT suggest upgrading directly from hoary to dapper.
Upgrade: hoary->breezy->dapper"

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