Gnome Login Font

Glenn J. Mason glenn at
Fri Aug 18 19:58:23 UTC 2006

> I'm not using the "Human" theme, but a custom variation on
> Clearlooks.  However, I don't see /usr/share/gdm/themes/clearlooks in
> there.

Is this a "Standard Greeter" or a "Graphical Greeter"?  Which to use will be configured in gdmsetup.

If it's a Standard Greeter then it uses the GTK themes from /usr/share/themes.  Have a look in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf for GtkTheme and GraphicalTheme (I think that /etc/gdm/gdm.conf is the file that is edited when you use gdmsetup, but perhaps not all the options are there).

I don't think the Graphical Greeter uses the GTK themes from /usr/share/themes, but rather the gtk-2.0/gtkrc file inside the theme directory.

-- glennji

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