Can I make continuous linux partitions pretend to be something, to windows app

Alan Mckinnon alan at
Fri Aug 18 10:43:13 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-08-18 at 16:29 +0800, Kevin Zhao wrote:
> Thanks, Alexander, I don't think they will have better idea than ask
> me to do a full disk backup and fix the problem by erasing all
> partition information.
> I hope to know if my goal is possible to achieve. Actually it sounds
> simple: How to set the partition table such that the extended
> partition (4 linux partitions) is ignored by windows.


You have already achieved your goal. Windows already does ignore the
Linux partitions as it doesn't know what to do with them, therefore
doesn't use them for anything. Linux on the other hand does understand
those partitions and can use them.

Both your OSes are working fine and correctly, the only problem you have
is that partition magic gets confused. Well then, stop using partition

It makes no sense to try and "hide" partitions from an OS. They are
there, they exist, they are in the partition table, they occupy disk
space and have data in them. That's how it should be. It's not broken,
so don't try and fix it


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