GPL music?

Miles Lane miles.lane at
Thu Aug 17 18:10:49 UTC 2006

On 8/16/06, email.listen at <email.listen at> wrote:
> H Ian
> Am Wed, 16. August 2006 23:11 schrieb Ian Kabeary:
> 8...9
> > (Yes I am aware I am sending this to 2 mailing lists.)
> > Does anyone know of a place where you can get free (as in beer) music or
> > sound that would assist in making music? Thanks!

Music player troubles:

I tried to play music from this website
(  The
streams in the playlist are encoded with Ogg.  It seems that Kaffeine
is configured to be the default client/plugin to handle this mime type
(I am running Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS).  I am clicking on the "listen" link
on the Jamendo website in Firefox.  However, Kaffeine doesn't appear
to be able to handle the stream.

I tried mplayer, bmp and xmms, but they also failed.

I tried totem, which works for the first track, but then all
subsequent tracks only play about one second of audio before going
silent.  The track position indicator continues to progress, but no
sound is produced.  Skipping around from track to track produces the
same result.

I tried RealPlayer 10, which can play all the tracks, but the audio is
full of stuttering.  I have tried tweaking the preferences (turning
off and on options related to buffering, caching, transport, etc).
Nothing helped.

So, it seems that audio stream playback support is a mess in Ubuntu.


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