Friefox frequently crashing

Ian Kabeary omega21 at
Thu Aug 17 16:26:08 UTC 2006

On 8/17/06, Stephen Liu <satimis at> wrote:
> I don't think the page having flash content.  Most times Firefox
> crashed while I was typing a reply on a thread, OR typing my reply on
> forum.  Therefore I have to draft my reply on text editor first and
> then copying the draft on webmail or Forum avoiding loosing time.
> B.R.
> SL

You aren't using some obscure beta version of FireFox, are you? (I use
Gentoo a little more than Ubuntu these days and I dont know if Ubuntu has
beta 2 yet.. In any case, Id be using 1.5.x for now.

Im not too sure that the problem is RAM, as if you had bad RAM more than
FireFox would be having issues. I would suggest looking into the user thats
running it. Just make a new user, and go into a console:

su newuser1337
newuser1137 at UbuntuComp# firefox

That will prevent you from having to log out of your current desktop.

If all else fails, try an older version of FireFox, or maybe give Konqueror
a shot for a while.

Best of luck!
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