How to delete all partitions for a complete reinstall

Tod Merley todbot88 at
Thu Aug 17 09:51:35 UTC 2006

On 8/16/06, Kevin Zhao <klzhao at> wrote:
> // Tod, I am sorry for resending. I failed to send to the list in last email.
> Hi Tod!
> Thank you so much for your answers. They are very detailed. I did
> receive your previous e-mails (gmail works so far so good), and I
> learned fixmbr which should be quite helpful.
> The only problem is that my Recovery CDs (actually I am using IBM
> thinkpad) does not include an XP installation CD. So it seems that I
> cannot get into the XP restoration console easily. I guess what the
> CDs actually do is to do some ghost copy. And it is SAID that the
> recovery procedure will erase all data in the whole harddisk! :(  So
> that why I intended to drop all data on the disk. And in this case the
> simplest way seems erasing the MBR.
> Oh but what you suggest should be a better solution. Suppose the
> recovery CDs turns up to kill *only* the first partition, then I can
> keep all the other partitions since the MBR is kept. Aha I guess I
> would need to find an XP installation CD to fixmbr and try this. Oh is
> there any other ways? Sorry to ask this question in ubuntu list.
> Btw, what does "bot" mean in your email account? I seemed to have some
> misunderstanding previously.  :D
> Thanks and Regards,
> Kevin
> On 8/17/06, Tod Merley <todbot88 at> wrote:
> > Hi Kevin!
> >
> > You apparently did not get my two previous e-mails (in spam?) but here
> > they are together.
> >
> > The short answer.
> >
> > A. During the XP install process you can delete all of your partitions
> > (you will need to fix the MBR to do so - see previous post - or do a
> > "XP fix mbr" in Google and realize that if your system is simple (a C:
> > drive only for XP) then just the "fixmbr" command will work).
> >
> > B. Reduce the size of the XP partition - see below ("find on page" "ntfs"):
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > C. Install Ubuntu.  I have never actually done this (XP / Ubuntu dual
> > boot).  I know that Ubuntu automatically includes an FC5 pre-existing
> > partition in the new GRUB menu (shows on boot allowing you to choose
> > other than the default if you do so within about ten seconds).  If you
> > only see your new Ubuntu option in GRUB you will need to edit your
> > /boot/grub/menu.lst file (see GRUB manual previous post).
> >
> > A more involved approach:
> >
> > 0.  Purchase a "Don't Panic!" button and install on your desk.  Also
> > purchase a bath towel.  See "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" for
> > details.
> >
> > 1. Realize that disk partitioning is deep computer surgery.  It is
> > easy to loose everything.  Take the time to know what you are doing.
> >
> > 2. I believe that your OEM disks do not like your current Master Boot
> > Record.  Ubuntu uses GRUB (GRand Unified Bootloader) which has about
> > three stages the first of which is contained in the Master Boot Record
> > (MBR) - the first 512 bytes of your disk.  If you installed XP first
> > (I hope you did, life is easier if you did) then you simply need to
> > append to your GRUB configuration file telling it where XP is and
> > "chainloading" it's installer.  If you partitioned your disk using
> > Ubuntu then it will be harder to install XP.  If you did, you would
> > need to do a "fixmbr" from the rescue console in order to enable XP to
> > proceed ( ).
> >
> > 3. Read, Read, Read:
> >
> > Dual Boot How-To(s):
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > GRUB:
> >
> > MBR:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Partitioning:
> >
> > (Note: requires "find in document" "partition")
> >
> >
> > 4.  Write down on a sheet of paper exactly what you want to do (large
> > outline) then fill in the outline with specific steps with the exact
> > GUI or command line commands to accomplish that.  If there is info on
> > the disk you need, transfer it elsewhere before you start!
> >
> > Have a Great Time!
> >
> > Tod
> >
> --
> Kevin ZHAO Keliang
> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
> Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at

Hi again Kevin,

With what I know now my first step would be to make a copy of the MBR
(in links above).  And then another copy when whatever Linux/GRUB had
replaced it.  I think my first step whenever working with an MBR from
now on will tend to by to copy whatever is there.

But my guess is that now our life will be a bit more interesting.

What do I think I know:

1. There is a serial number and marker in the XP-MBR which your OEM
might just be looking for.  If so, you will need to talk with your

2. If your old XP MBR is really forever lost I would be tempted to try
the Ultimate Boot CD's XP MBR repair (
).  I have actually had a pretty good ride whenever I have used it but
I find it scary.  I doubt that serial numbers will match the original
but the parser may still be satisfied.  Remember to have a copy of
your old MBR, and the next 63 sectors at least as well, on hand.  I
mean 1. The 512 byte MBR - and - 2. The first 63 512 byte sectors
(separate files).

3. You could purchase a personal version of XP (talk with your OEM first!!).

4. More reading on the XP Linux dual boot may uncover something.

I chose "todbot" because it is visually symmetrical "you can fold it
upon itself and it stays the same.  Originally I wanted "8todbot8" but
no one allows preceding numbers so I compromised with "todbot88"
(visually symmetrical within letters then numbers).

Good hunting and please tell me how it all comes out.  I am putting
together a "Boot Camp" presentation and this is very much an important
set of boot issues.



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