Official Dapper method to connect to a Microsoft VPN?

Xn Nooby xnooby at
Thu Aug 17 07:12:47 UTC 2006

I'm trying to figure out how to get my Ubuntu 6.06 to connect to my VPN at
work, and then access my Windoze box using Remote Desktop.  I found some
instructions for Breezy for installing linux-pptp, but it looked like it was
pulling some files from some guys private repo.  I previously clobbered my
system doing that trying to install the Democracy video viewer, so now I'm
trying to stick to the official methods of doing things.  I found PPTP in
Synaptic and installed it, but there didn't seem to be a "pptpconfig".  I
tried the man page, and didn't really understand what they were talking
about ( I assumed the PPTP server they were talking about was the one at
work, and not that I should install pptpd).  I didn't see a way to specifiy
VPN login information on the command line either.

Since Dapper has PPTP and prolly has a RemoteDesktop app (rdesktop?), then
it would seem like there would be an official way of connecting to a
Microsoft office environment and then attaching to a WIndoze machine.  Maybe
these apps are in Synaptic now, and so the old Ubuntu instructions are not
valid.  I thought the instructions are old since they talk about downloading
pptp-linux, while now it is in Synaptic.

any suggestions?
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