how to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.06.1 using apt

Christofer C. Bell christofer.c.bell at
Wed Aug 16 16:46:36 UTC 2006

On 8/14/06, Peter Garrett <peter.garrett at> wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 18:39:21 -0500
> "Christofer C. Bell" <christofer.c.bell at> wrote:
> > > but my  /etc/lsb-release  shows  6.06  even after sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
> >
> > That's correct.  6.06.1 is simply numbered that way to differentiate
> > the ISO.  It's really 6.06 with all the patches already applied
> > through the date the ISO was released.  The operating system itself is
> > still 6.06.
> Not so. Or rather, not _quite_ so with regard to lsb_release reporting. My
> up-to-date install (with all updates applied etc via apt ) shows

That's interesting, Peter, and contrary to what's generally thought
about with regards to 6.06.1, that it's a simply a 6.06 respin with
updates applied (meaning, it's the same OS on a different ISO).  I
can't think of a single real justification for changing the
description to 6.06.1 in /etc/lsb-release, and can think of a number
of reasons why it's a bad idea, namely,  that 6.06.1 isn't a version
of the operating system.  One does not consider installing patches to
up-rev their OS release, nor should installing a "patch set respin" do

Can someone from Canonical comment on the thinking that led to
changing the description field in /etc/lsb-release?  Perhaps Matt


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