Mail wrap problem due to Ubuntu encodings or M$ & UTF-8?

Erik Christiansen erik at
Wed Aug 16 05:31:11 UTC 2006

On the "Ubuntu encodings" thread,
On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 07:23:02AM -0700, Gary W. Swearingen wrote:
> Now, if we could just get M$FT supporters to stop using the "illegal"
> characters from 128 to 159.

Could this be the cause of utf-8 posts from the ubuntu list not line
wrapping at "> " quoted lines? (us-ascii and iso-8859-1 encodings wrap
OK, but utf-8 ends up as loooong lines, due to missing newlines. :-(

Our mailhost uses sendmail 8.12.1-5, so is 8-bit clean, and shouldn't be
troubled by utf-8, IIUC. Can it be the upstream M$ mail server which is
fumbling the mime-encoding?


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