Booting - Enterprise Volume Management System

Thiers Botelho thiersb at
Wed Aug 16 03:04:54 UTC 2006

On 8/15/06, Alexander Skwar <listen at> wrote:
> · Thiers Botelho <thiersb at>:
> > On 8/14/06, Alexander Skwar <listen at> wrote:
> >> · Thiers Botelho <thiersb at>:
> >> What do you mean with this? Do you plan on doing suspend-to-disk
> >> and store that in a file?
> >>
> >
> > Yep. Those files would be for use with suspend2, supposing it works as
> > advertised.
> Ok. Why do you plan to suspend to a file? Why waste space for such
> a file, if there's a swap partition? Is there any advantage in
> doing suspend to file compared to suspend to swap?
> Alexander Skwar

If I have a file specifically for performing suspend, I can :

- have a 300 Mb swap partition, instead of a 2 Gb one for suspending
(assuming 2 Gb of RAM) ;

- have one single swap partition serving multiple Linux systems,
instead of one for each of them ;

- more flexibility when moving / deleting / resizing the suspend area .

Of course if I end up with one suspend file for each system I'll have
no space savings. I just think that files provide more flexibility
than partitions (call me a flexibility freak if you wish).  :))



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