Releasing with a known broken kernel
Alexander Skwar
listen at
Mon Aug 14 05:39:09 UTC 2006
· Daniel T. Chen <crimsun at>:
> Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> How? 6.06.2 will be released? Remember, in the worst case,
>> users cannot even boot, so updating after installation becomes
> There will always be hardware that refuses to boot Ubuntu. There's not
> much that can be done about that.
In the terms of this kernel issue: Yes, there can. The kernel -26
shouldn't have been put on the 6.06.1 CD. Or a 6.06.2 CD should
be released QUICK with a -25 kernel (or better: with a -27 kernel,
which works).
>> Ubuntu Devs know about the bugreports. It's their duty, to care about
>> it. I made already enough noise on this list (in this thread and in the
>> "ubuntu 6.06.1 released" thread).
> Many of us [volunteer devs] don't have the resources to follow every
> single thread. Unfortunate but true.
True. But isn't Ubuntu sponsored by Canonical and aren't there
paid-for devs?
Alexander Skwar
Begangene Fehler können nicht besser entschuldigt werden als mit dem
Geständnis, daß man sie als solche erkennt.
-- Pedro Calderon de la Barca
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