newbie at ubuntu questions

Allan Spagnol Comar allan.comar at
Sun Aug 13 22:50:58 UTC 2006

Hello ubuntu list,

I had installed my first copy of ubuntu dapper drake today, on a amd64
with nvidia fake raid, for that reason I have to do the debootstrap
instalation method, now I have some doubts about my system behaivor,
they are:

1. I have a root acount, that I believed in ubuntu was deactivated
2. I added system_user ALL=(ALL) ALL at sudoers, now my system user
are grantted sudo rights without password
3. when I open a terminal at gnome it starts with sh instead of bash
4. my fstab is:

#FileSystem                     MountPoint      Type       Options

proc                            /proc           proc       rw              0 0
sysfs                           /sys            sysfs      rw              0 0
/dev/mapper/nvidia_bicacfde5    /boot           ext2       defaults        0 2
/dev/mapper/nvidia_bicacfde7    /               reiserfs   notail,noatime  0 1
/dev/mapper/nvidia_bicacfde8    /home           reiserfs   notail,noatimer 0 1
/dev/mapper/nvidia_bicacfde6    none            swap       sw              0 0

/dev/mapper/nvidia_bicacfde1    /mnt/win_c      ntfs
defaults,noauto,users 0 0
/dev/mapper/nvidia_bicacfde2    /mnt/win_d      ntfs
defaults,noauto,users 0 0
/dev/mapper/nvidia_bicacfde3    /mnt/win_e      ntfs
defaults,noauto,users 0 0

/dev/cdrw                       /mnt/cdrom      auto
defaults,noauto,users 0 0
/dev/fd0                        /mnt/floppy     auto
defaults,noauto,users 0 0

and it never can mount home at boot, the other file system mount ok

some wise expert guy at ubuntu can help me solve this points ?

thanks a lot, Allan

An application asked:
"Requires Windows 9x, NT4 or better",
so I´ve installed Linux

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