Sound recording blues

John Leonard johnl119 at
Sat Aug 12 22:04:06 UTC 2006

>Which soundcard do you have?  I have had a similar
>problem with an
>nvidia -based system.  At the moment and after many
>hours I have an
>OSS-based sound system working with nvidia's own
>driver and alsa not
>working as it should.  At least I can play music and
>make recordings
>using a microphone and programs like audacity and
>gnusound  - but no
>arecord or aplay...

Thanks Johann
My soundcard is Intel 8280 Realtek97. Since my last
post I have been tinkering with this and found that if
I whack all the volume levels up to 100% I can record
using gnome sound recorder, but the quality is
terrible and the playback volume is very low. I don't
have problems playing sound in other instances
(although the quality is never fantastic), so I'm
guessing that it is the way that Alsa is interacting
with my sound card. Have you ever got
gnome-sound-recorder to produce a decent sound?

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