Doesn't Linux have a decent usenet reader?

marc gmane at
Sat Aug 12 18:39:54 UTC 2006

Alexander Skwar said...
> · marc <gmane at>:
> > - Knode: Just terrible - it's windows management is hideous. And it too 
> > makes the 101 error of threading on subject.
> What do you mean?

The easiest way to get this across, I think,.is via a pic:

See how the threading is communicated via the From field and how easy it 
is to scan the Subjects? Simple as that, really.

(The From field is indented one notch because toggling the far left 
header switches between a threaded and non-threaded display.)

That snap is my current view of this list/ng from gmane. It actually 
shows quite well what I'm on about.

The binocs show watched threads - those that are downloaded 
automatically, but it also provides a visual cue.

The red exclamation marks/points are "important" posts. Usually stuff 
that I need to test or take action on or add to my local wiki/knowledge 

The blue shields are protected posts - those that cannot be purged by 
anything ever, until unprotected.

Hope that helps.

> >  Is there a Linux newsreader that approaches anything that Windows had 
> > in the 90s?
> What does Windows have?

I've already mentioned that I use Gravity. Some folk like Agent, which 
also beats the pants off Linux offerings, although it doesn't float my 


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