apt-get errors : localhost:4001 (

José Paulo Matafome Oleiro matafomeoleiro at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 11:07:16 UTC 2006

Sáb, 2006-08-12 às 07:54 +0100, abonnema escreveu:

> OOOOPPPPS, yep, that was it.
> The question is how this got to be (I never configured a proxy
> knowingly...) unless the proxy-anon (or something like it) was the
> cause, but I already removed that.
> The second question is how to restore it.
> This gnome thing, would you know how to call it from the commandline?
> Thanks, Guus.
> -- 
> abonnema

Open Synaptics, then go to Configuration > Preferences > Network and
choose Direct Connection to the Internet (this should get the job done).

José Oleiro aka Matafome (#computers at irc.ptnet.org Blog do Matafome )
Running Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper with XGL on Fujitsu-Siemens Model Amilo M
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