Doesn't Linux have a decent usenet reader?

David Abrahams dave at
Sat Aug 12 02:52:06 UTC 2006

Eric Hanchrow <offby1 at> writes:

>>>>>> "David" == David Abrahams <dave at> writes:
>     David> Care to join me?  It's just a conversation.
> Well ... seriously, I'm such an Emacs bigot that I'm willing to put up
> with gnus, simply because it runs in Emacs.  That means a _lot_ to
> me.  

Me too.

> I've tried a few others, including Thunderbird (which I thought was
> just fine), but if it don't run in Emacs, it's just not useful to
> me.

I wouldn't go that far, but I'm pretty darned close.  At least,
whatever it was would need to have the ability to integrate tightly
with emacs unless someone can convince me I don't really need
that... which would be hard.

> I haven't checked, but I'd guess you're not considering writing a
> new Emacs news reader (and why would you?).  

I do think of that from time to time.  

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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