Copying Dapper by network

Brian Astill bastill at
Sat Aug 12 00:37:24 UTC 2006

On Friday 11 August 2006 23:15, Melissa Draper wrote:
> Brian Astill wrote:
> > Please comfort me in my hour of need.  :-)
> >
> > I have two systems, networked together.
> > One has Dapper, the other Hoary.
> > I can link them using Gftp (and SSH2)
> >
> > Could I just copy all my Dapper files over the Hoary files
> > and thereby re-create my Dapper (system 1)  to System 2?
> In a word. No.

It would be helpful to know "why not?".
I would attempt to dist-upgrade from Hoary to Dapper only as an 
absolute last resort - asking for frustration, IMHO.  Also asking 
for a HUGE amount of time and bandwidth for a procedure of 
doubtful value.

Perhaps I could do as I wish by erasing Hoary, partitioning the 
drive, installing a cut-down version of "anything" that offered 
ftp access and could mount the now-empty (formerly Hoary) 
partition- then copy System 1's files across?


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