Booting - Enterprise Volume Management System

David Abrahams dave at
Fri Aug 11 22:53:16 UTC 2006

Alexander Skwar <listen at> writes:

>> This bug mention is disappointingly vague about kernel versions,
>> but that doesn't discount it.
> As far as that's concerned, the age of the Howto discounts it. 
> Last update was about a year ago. That's ancient.

I don't think that justifies an assumption that the problem's been
fixed.  Especially if you care about your data.

>>>>>>Since you cannot shrink xfs and jfs the main functionality becomes  
>>>>>>useless for many advanced users.
>>> Not true. You still can't shrink xfs or jfs if you don't use LVM, so
>>> your argument is useless. You are proving something that is irrelevant.
>> Suppose you buy a Ferrari [LVM] that can go 150 mph [online resizing], but you
>> only use it in a 30 mph zone [JFS/ext3].
> Why is JFS a 30mph zone? It's rather a 149mph zone, normally.

I think the implication is that the ability to shrink a filesystem is
worth 120 mph.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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