ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 24, Issue 15
Alexander Skwar
listen at alexander.skwar.name
Fri Aug 11 15:36:51 UTC 2006
· Nathan Sivin <nsivin at sas.upenn.edu>:
> <<Nathan Sivin <nsivin at sas.upenn.edu>:
> > > Has anyone worked out a procedure
> > > for using that encryption standard?
> Easiest is to use Network Manager. You can find a howto on
> http://help.ubuntu.com/.
> Alexander Skwar>>
> I have searched the web pages referenced in the page above for "Network
> Manager," but can't find it. I have also looked over their instructions
Where have you looked?
> for networking, which have nothing on WPA wireless encryption. Can you
> give me more detailed instructions for finding it?
Sure. Search for WPA on the Community Docs on http://help.ubuntu.com/.
You'll find the "WifiDocs/WPAHowTo" at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo?highlight=%28wpa%29
Alexander Skwar
Die meisten unserer Fehler sind verzeihlicher als die Mittel, die wir
anwenden, um sie zu verbergen.
-- François de La Rochefoucauld
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