
Keith Powell keith at keithg4jvx.force9.co.uk
Fri Aug 11 12:52:53 UTC 2006

Melissa Draper wrote:
> Keith Powell wrote:
>> Sorry if this has been asked before. I have been off the list for 
>> several weeks, and can't find the answer in the archives.
>> Is there any difference between Ubuntu Dapper with all the upgrades, 
>> and the new Ubuntu 6.06.1 maintenance release? 
>> I don't know whether to download the latest upgrades, or download the 
>> new release.
>> Many thanks for any help.
>> Keith
> AFAIK, the new .iso is just like a snapshot of where 6.06 is up to now
> in terms of the bug fix and security fix updates that have come into
> effect since release.
> Consider it like a service pack. You can download the updates separately
> from the Internet, or you can download the new .iso and install it from
> scratch with the updates already included, which is what the 6.06.1 .iso
> is for.
Hello Melissa.

Thank you for your prompt reply and the information.

I am up-to-date with the Dapper updates, so it won't be necessary for me 
to download the 6.06.1 version. I'm rather pleased about that!



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