Mail client having trouble with email format.

Erik Christiansen erik at
Fri Aug 11 09:06:03 UTC 2006

On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 10:34:23AM +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Erik Christiansen <erik at>:
> > If you examine one of your posts with quoted text, at the character> level, is each set of line quotation markers preceded by a newline?
> Yes.
> Because of my findings and because other people (like Peter) don'tsee this issue, I'd expect that there's something faulty at yourend.

Stopping fetchmail on localhost, and reading today's mails on the mailhost, I'm
still minus the newlines. The only processing that I'm aware of on the
mailhost is:

X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by mailhost

Peter showed that his copy went through the same:

> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by id k785wrsG023283

without problems.

Two possible paths to a cure seem to be:

   a) Discover what sendmail uses to convert, and upgrade it.

   b) Obviate the need for the conversion.

Not having much success with a), I think b) should be possible, since it
appears that the conversion is performed when the receiving SMTP server
doesn't state that it can handle 8bit mail, in reply to an EHLO command.

Yep, when I do that, I get:         250-8BITMIME

Looking through on the mailhost, this looks good (I think):

# strip message body to 7 bits on input?
O SevenBitInput=False

But I suspect uncommenting this could do the trick:

# 8-bit data handling
#O EightBitMode=pass8

Has anyone had horrible experiences doing that?
(Somehow it's become late again. I'll have to find some more info
before I risk mucking up the departmental mail server, even if only


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