feature request - pre installation tool ...

Anthony Yarusso tonyyarusso at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 1 16:09:28 UTC 2006

CookieNinja wrote:
> I don't know where best to post this, but I think it's a very good
> idea!
> It's also something that Microsoft are doing for people thinking of
> upgrading to windows vists.
> "Microsoft is providing a beta of its Upgrade Advisor tool that will
> evaluate whether a PC is ready to run Windows Vista. The application
> scans the computer and creates a report of all known system and device
> compatibility issues, along with suggestions for resolution."
> Why doesn't Ubuntu have something like this ? Perhaps it is something
> that distributions could or should work together on. It would allow
> people to find out about known issues before they even start to install
> a linux distribution and it would only take them 5 mins or less.
> Why ? Well, imagine a friend is thinking about trying linux. Instead of
> getting them to download or try a liveCD of distribution x, let them
> stay in their windows/mac comfort zone and run a windows utility that
> tells them how suitable their PC is for linux and where they are going
> to have problems. It could even provide them with solutions to print
> out and use when they start installing linux. It could also tell them
> what they should download and burn to a cd before they boot linux,
> which is VERY important when it comes network interfaces and
> dialup/adsl modems. Perhaps it could also report back the hardware
> configuration to a central store to see what unsupported hardware is
> causing people the most problems when they try to change over to
> linux.
> Anyway ... I want to push this idea as best I can ... so WHERE is the
> best place to catch the attention of people who could make this happen
> ?
Launchpad would be the place (http://launchpad.net); submit a feature
request for the Ubuntu distribution.  While your idea would be a
standalone tool, not part of the distro, this is the best fit I can
think of.

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