ubuntu 6.06.1 released

Ken Siersma siersmak at ekkinc.com
Thu Aug 10 14:12:19 UTC 2006

Olivier Picquenot wrote:
> louis_nichols a écrit :
>> Also, it seems weird to me that the link towards the release notes
>> brings us to the same page 6.06 was. We don't basically know what is
>> new in this 6.06.1 release...
> I think that it's the regular 6.06 but with all the security updates 
> included. So that once installed you don't have to download another 
> 200MB of security updates and reboot because the kernel's been updated.
> Regards,
> Olivier Picquenot
Quoted from "Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS released" message sent to
ubuntu-announce at lists.ubuntu.com this morning:

> About Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS
> -----------------------
> This is the first maintenance release of Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, which
> continues to be supported with maintenance updates and security fixes
> until June 2009 (on desktops) and June 2011 (on servers).
> Over 300 post-release updates have been pre-applied, so that fewer
> updates will need to be downloaded after installation, and a number of
> bugs in the installation system have been corrected.  These include
> security updates and corrections for other high-impact bugs, with a
> focus on maintaining stability and compatibility with Ubuntu 6.06 LTS.
> We do not expect that certifications against Ubuntu 6.06 LTS will need
> to be updated for this maintenance release.
> See http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for a list of Ubuntu security updates. All
> updates to date affecting packages on the CD have been applied.
> Some other particularly notable updates, with bug references where
> available (see http://bugs.ubuntu.com/) are as follows:
> Installer:
>  * Many fixes to the desktop CD installer, including a crash when
>    installing in Chinese but with a non-Chinese-speaking country
>    (#47687), issuing a warning in the partitioner if /boot is on XFS
>    (#47848) or system partitions are not reformatted (#47046), a crash
>    if packages on the running live session are unconfigured (#47859), a
>    crash with certain kinds of disk attached (#48732), more defence
>    against gparted/qtparted crashing (#47194, #48856), improved handling
>    of going back and forward in the advanced partitioner, and many more,
>    along with translation updates.
>  * Fix Kickstart support to handle disabling the root password correctly
>    (#48038).
>  * Fix line continuation handling in installer preseed files (#47767).
>  * Translations of "Install in text mode" on the CD boot loader now
>    appear (#47615).
>  * Fix handling of /isolinux/lang file, used to customise the CD boot
>    loader, for Chinese and Portuguese.
>  * Fix gparted crash if xfs_db fails (#50909).
>  * Fix CD-ROM booting on sparc64 (#40119).
>  * Add support for automatic discovery of SBus devices when installing
>    on SPARC.
> GNOME Desktop:
>  * Most of GNOME 2.14.3 has been incorporated, including a fix for
>    evince's failure to open PDF files on FTP servers (#47201), improved
>    eog print output (#3673), fixed double fade in gnome-screensaver
>    (#35051), making sure screensavers don't run while on battery
>    (#39908), corrected OpenOffice.org file associations (#49417), a fix
>    for a serious memory leak in gnome-cups-icon (#45406), stopping the
>    icon selection dialog from closing while entering a path (#45819), a
>    fix for a large memory leak in pango affecting dia (#52274), more
>    stable track switching in rhythmbox (#49714), and many other
>    conservative bug fixes.
>  * Correct handling of keys for signed archives in gnome-app-install.
> KDE Desktop:
>  * Fix 32-bit compatibility Qt libraries on amd64 systems.
>  * Fix crash in kde-guidance if a user has no real name set (#47317).
>  * Fix kopete hang that could cause the Kubuntu desktop to hang when
>    right-clicking on desktop icons (#43065).
>  * Fix detection of KDE in the language selector.
>  * Upgrade kopete's ICQ protocol version (part of
>    http://bugs.kde.org/130630, #54757).
> Xfce Desktop:
>  * Fix mixer icon.
>  * Fix menu editor crash leaving an empty menu (#47776).
> Server:
>  * redhat-cluster-suite no longer starts/restarts the daemon on install
>    or update, which caused the suite to fail to install (#47645).
>  * Fix infinite loop in nbd-server child processes that filled up syslog
>    (http://bugs.debian.org/350357).
>  * Fix disappearance of IMAP subfolders in dovecot on systems upgraded
>    from Ubuntu 5.10 (#51038).
> Documentation:
>  * Updated translations of Ubuntu documentation.
>  * Improved language of Kubuntu release notes (#48525).
> Other:
>  * Translations of many packages have been updated, thanks to the
>    Rosetta translation system (https://launchpad.net/rosetta).
>  * pcmcia-cs avoids a hang on upgrades from Ubuntu 5.10 on certain
>    machines.
>  * TeX hyphenation repaired (#36145).
>  * Improve wpa_supplicant's integration with our networking stack.
>  * Improve pbuilder's dependencies (#40613).
>  * acpi-support no longer unloads the nsc-ircc IrDA driver on suspend.
>  * Fix unusable button 2 for users of the EmulateWheelTimeout option in
>    xorg.conf on Thinkpads with 3-button trackpoints (#38272).
>  * Additions to the dapper-commercial channel in Add/Remove Applications
>    (RealPlayer, desktop-multiplier, Opera).
>  * Updated cupsys to upstream bugfix release 1.2.2, fixing many bugs
>    (including #42513, #42802, #44931, #47387, #48116, #51432, and part
>    of #42802).
>  * Fix pmount crash in certain locales, including Estonian (#49655).
>  * xdmx-tools is no longer an empty package.
So, there you have it.

Ken Siersma, Software Engineer
EKK, Inc.

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