Learn from suse install to improve my Ubuntu install?

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Thu Aug 10 12:52:53 UTC 2006

On Thursday 10 August 2006 08:40, ubuntu at rio.vg wrote:

> Recently, Novell forced SuSE to completely change their repository
> system to the worst crud imaginable.  Yast is a great thing, and the
> repository system it used to have was great.
> With the newer version though, install apt.  I've found on my SuSE 10.1
> systems, it's the only reasonable way to deal with package management.
Personally, I found that the only way to deal with SuSE 10.1 package 
management was to install Kubuntu instead.

While Dapper sported a new installer that did have some issues, Ubuntu was at 
least smart enough to leave the text mode installer on the alternate CD so 
that people that had problems with the new installer had another way to go.

The experience with opensuse 10.1 convinced me that, at best, SuSE views 
opensuse as a source of beta testers for SLES.  I needed a distro where a 
realease was meant to actually be the final product.

Scott K

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