Ubuntu 64bit / Networking Issue ( downloading large files )

Richard cms01 at tampabay.rr.com
Thu Aug 10 04:45:28 UTC 2006

Been using this for a while, notices some problem with the network
kinda of timing out...

eg: downloading some ISO image files, 2 @ 640 megs each,
going threw linksys router, then cable modem... notice that the 
downloads stalled out... then had to quit (but) also had to reboot the 

I ran directly into the cable modem, and try again, got to about 56megs,
out of 640 megs, when it hung up again... hmm now what?

Q. is there a problem with the network (Ethernet) drivers? in 6.0.6?
or is there a needed tweak, to fix these timing out when downloaded 
large files??

Please anyone... ( spent 2 hours ) with linksys, and road runner, can 
find nothing wrong.


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