Mail client having trouble with email format.

Erik Christiansen erik at
Wed Aug 9 07:46:37 UTC 2006

On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 07:51:33AM +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> ยท Erik Christiansen <erik at>:
> > Alexander,> > Apropos "was ich nicht kann", just your posts have in the last month or> so, started to fail to line-wrap here. My procmail & mutt configurations> have handled tens of thousands of posts OK, but in case it was my> automatic long-line wrapping in procmail, your posts now pass directly> to my inbox, without any processing. They still look lke they've been> through a sausage machine. :-)> > Trying "od -c" on the message, I see that the newlines preceding "> >"> are missing on receipt:> > 0007440   c   o   m   >   :  \n   >       O   n       8   /   7   /   0[...]> Is there any chance that the newline-eating gremlin is at your end?
> Hm, "recently", I've switched to reading this list overGmane with the news client KNode. When I subscribed to thelist, I originally used mails and Thunderbird.
> > P.S. At least your sig-quotes are still readable, so all is not lost. ;-)
> Hm. Even more strange.

It looks like I confused the issue there. They're only clear because
they're at the end of the solid block of text resulting from the missing
newlines. (I was merely expressing appreciation of the sometimes
thought-provoking, and sometimes amusing quotes. Oh, and sometimes they
stretch my atrophied linguistic muscle to the limit.)

In the text quoted from your post, above, line 2 is a 654 character
monster, running from "> > Alexander" to "is at your end?" The "> >" line
quotation markers within are lacking the requisite preceding newline.

> Hmm...
> I noticed, that some of my messages are utf-8 encoded and  base64transfer encoded.
> Why is it base64? Strange. In other newsgroups, I also use utf-8,but in those newsgroups, my messages are 8bit encoded - that's whatI'd expect. Thus, it's not me who base64 encodes the messages.

This is how it arrives:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by <our_mailhost_id_goes_here>

But base64 conversions shouldn't drop characters, I would have thought?
If you examine one of your posts with quoted text, at the character
level, is each set of line quotation markers preceded by a newline?

The precisely targeted character removal seems too high level to be due
to bulk character munching. Only the editor and the mail client would
know how to munge line boundaries, I suspect. (Now that I've taken
procmail out of the loop at this end.)


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