17" powerbook using kernel

Adam D emlists at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 04:44:43 UTC 2006

I just acquired the 17" powerbook this last week and have been trying to install Ubuntu, Dapper, on it with my root file system using XFS.  This is the 2nd generation 17" book with ati mobility radeon as its graphics card.  Starting the install CD works but where things break down is after some fiddeling around with kernels, it starts up just fine but when I switch from tty5 to any other tty the graphics becomes all screwey with strange  looking artifacts on the screen.  I have used my kernel from my 15" powerbook TI and compiled many others but all give me the same results.  

Has anyone else been able to use the 17" powerbook with Ubuntu and switch to other ttys?  If so, what did you do and may I get a copy of the kernel config so I may reproduce the same results?

Thanks in advance,


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