Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

Lorin Pino ljpino at grm.net
Wed Aug 9 01:54:13 UTC 2006

Ken N9VV wrote:

>At first I thought someone was kidding with this question, or making 
>a sour joke. But then I realized that they were serious. Here is my 
>The simple answer is "NO". I am as disappointed as anyone could 
>possibly be. I had great hopes for Linux, and Ubuntu in particular. 
>I want to further the state of the art in electronics where Linux 
>could be a tremendous ally in that effort. But, alas, Ubuntu (SuSe, 
>Fedora, Kubuntu, Mepis, Knoppix, Xandros, and the menagerie from 
>distrowatch) has failed me so often that I can not recommend it to 
>Yes, it is true that Linux has taken giant strides in the last 12 
>months and has matured and stabilized in admirable leaps. However 
>have you tried something simple like:
>(a) find a graphical editor for menu.lst used by Grub?
I don't know what version of Suse you used, but I used their gui (in 
yast) to edit when I first tried dual boot.  That was 9.2.  I have to 
admit though, that it really is not that dificult to edit the file 
directly.  So, I can't see the terrible importance of this feature.  The 
lack of a gui probably keeps people from messing with it that don't 
_need_ to.
Just my opinion.

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