printing PostScript

John.M.Kuhn at John.M.Kuhn at
Tue Aug 8 15:51:01 UTC 2006

I have a problem when printing PostScript files created with GMT (Generic
Mapping Tools) using Ubuntu Dapper.  I create a PostScript file with
the following command:

/usr/lib/gmt/bin/psxy --PAPER_MEDIA=letter -R1/7.5/1/10 -JX6.5i/9i \
   -Ba1f0.25WSne -P /dev/null >

The resulting file previews correctly in gv and every other
PS viewer I have tried.  When I print the file, the resulting page
has my figure magnified about 4x such that the lower left of the
figure fills the entire page.  I get the same result on 4 different
PostScript printers (different models and manufacturers).

Other PostScript files generated in OOo or Firefox print correctly.

If I copy the file to an Ubuntu Hoary system (or old Debian,
HP-UX, Mac OSX ...) the file prints correctly on the same 4 printers.

It appears the PostScript command "0.24 0.24 scale" is being ignored
resulting in the figure being scaled by a factor of 4.16667.  If i run through ps2ps before printing, it will print correctly.

I have been using GMT for many years and I have not seen this printing
problem before.

Any ideas?

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