creox users here?

maxim wexler blissfix at
Tue Aug 8 15:26:31 UTC 2006

Hi group,

I installed creo-0.2.2rc2-2ubuntu1 on a breezy badger 
system using the synaptic package mgr.

But it doesn't work. The app launches OK but
manipulating the sliders for the various options has
no effect. I can hear the guitar through the
loudspeakers so I don't think it's hardware or alsa

Anybody else ever have to deal with this problem?

Perhaps my install method was wrong. IIRC someone here
mentioned using aptitude to ensure all the
dependencies are also installed.

I realize it's a kde app and my system is gnome-based.
But a check of synaptic reveals the following kde
files are installed:

kdebase, kdebase-bin, kdebase-data,
kdebase-kio-plugins, kdelibs4c2, kdelibs-bin,
kdelibs-data, kdepasswd, kdeprint, kdesktop

Thanks for any help.


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