Scheduled Backups of Home Directory

Gregory PiƱero gregpinero at
Tue Aug 8 02:56:17 UTC 2006

On 8/7/06, Alexander Skwar <listen at> wrote:
> > b. How can I schedule/automate a script that needs root privledges?
> Use the crontab from user root. Alternatively, modify the /etc/fstab,
> so that it includes "users" in the line for your 2nd hard drive.

Would you mind elaborting on these two ideas, or pointing me towards
some web resources or search terms?

> Dump the script and use rsnapshot. Check out the home page
> to see why it's so great.

I like rsnapshot but it looks a little too complicated to set up and
I'm not sure I understand how it works.  I figure for something as
important as backups, I'm better off sticking to methods that I
understand a little.


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