Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?

José Paulo Matafome Oleiro matafomeoleiro at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 01:14:31 UTC 2006

Seg, 2006-08-07 às 20:16 +0100, daller escreveu:

> icyj;1330162 Wrote: 
> > I made the switch two weeks ago!  I am loving it.  I am still running
> > Fedora Core 5 on my server (Fedora was my OS of choice before I learned
> > of Ubuntu), but I have replaced Windows XP with Ubuntu on both my laptop
> > and desktop.  
> > 
> > My desktop does still have a small WinXP partition, which I rarely use.
> > It contains all the windows essentials (that don't have good open
> > source equivalents) like Battlefront and Ages of Mythology, of course
> > some programs for school such as Multisim and Autocad (if only every
> For an AutoCAD equivalent, please install and try "qcad" from within
> the repositories.
> Code:
> --------------------
>     sudo apt-get install qcad
> --------------------
> What is Multisim?

Multisim it's a program that simulates electronic circuits like in the
reality. You can use pspice in Linux should the the job done. I hadn't
tried yet pspice. By my Electronic's Analog, use it in is SuSE box,
don't ask me how. Since I can't get an answer so far since I'm on

> Your TI software should run fine through WINE! (My TI-92 software ran
> great in Hoary! - I don't have it anymore though! - So can't speak for
> Dapper! - But it should work as well!)
> -- 
> daller

José Oleiro aka Matafome (#computers at irc.ptnet.org Blog do Matafome )
Running Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper with XGL on Fujitsu-Siemens Model Amilo M
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