Backup tool?

Alexander Skwar listen at
Sun Aug 6 22:19:10 UTC 2006

· Thiers Botelho <thiersb at>:

> On 8/6/06, ajgreeny <ulist at> wrote:
>> Yes, partimage is the thing you need as it will produce an image file of
>> your whole partition (minus any specific folders you chose to exclude)
>> so you can keep your system fully backed up as you want on CD or DVD.
>> --
>> ajgreeny
> Hi Greeny,
> AFAIK partimage does only block copying, therefore it would be unable
> to treat individual folders.

You're right. But the great thing about partimage is, that it knows
the filesystems and thus can distinguish used blocks from unused blocks
and will only copy used blocks.

> I might be wrong, of course, and in that case I'd appreciate any
> pointers you might have to partimage's folder-exclusion capability.

Me too.

Alexander Skwar
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