Ubuntu mail - no subject.?

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Mon Aug 7 02:10:07 UTC 2006

On Mon, 7 Aug 2006 09:29:45 +0800
"James Elliott" <James.Elliott at etelecom.com.au> wrote:

> ...... and I thoroughly agree with you.  However, my mail client (Outlook 
> Express) filters according to the content of the "From"; "TO";  "Cc"; or 
> "Subject" fields, or will look for specific words in the body of the 
> message.
> I can't see how I can filter messages which do not have any standard content 
> in any of those fields?

The "To" field should say ......  ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com , in
general - in your case you CC ed the list, and that also happens - you can,
if you wish, filter on the the CC as well, or alternatively in whatever
pattern suits you.

Might I suggest that Outlook Express is not ideal for mailing lists? Can
you install mozilla-thunderbird, for example? 

Alternatively, you can subscribe via Gmane and use the list as a
newsgroup. There are quite a few Windows news clients, I believe ( I don't
know, since I use Ubuntu ) .


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