Volume Group creation

Alexander Skwar listen at alexander.skwar.name
Sat Aug 5 07:22:03 UTC 2006

· Stephen Liu <satimis at yahoo.com>:

> Hi Alexander,
>> *GR* Please *ALWAYS* and *EVER* post the complete error message!
> The printout was more than one page.  Shift+PageUp/Ctrl+PageUp did not
> move the screen backforwards.

You're on the console? Okay, I didn't know that.

> Hereinunder is the printout of the last page:

What about the beginning? Did it have anything of interest?

> I created /dev/hda1 was for /boot to be shared in dual boot.  It will
> not be in the VG.  I was worrying it can't be detected at boot.

Oh, yes, you're right. Grub cannot use a /boot on LVM as far as I
know. Don't use the complete HD for LVM then. I'd suggest:

        /dev/hda1       boot    50m     ext2
        /dev/hda2       LVM     rest of HD

pvcreate /dev/hda2 && ....

Alexander Skwar
Des Bauern Modem wird bald rosten, erhöht die Telekom die Kosten.

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