Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility?

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at
Fri Aug 4 13:33:17 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-04-08 at 09:39 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:

> I, personally, will
> help those who want to try Ubuntu, but don't see it as my mission to get
> more Ubuntu users.

And, unless you're a Canonical employee (or sub-contractor or the like)
neither should it be your mission.  But neither should you really be
engaged in driving off potential Ubuntu users (and, thankfully, you

Michael T. Richter
Email: ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at
MSN: ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at; YIM:
michael_richter_1966; AIM: YanJiahua1966; ICQ: 241960658; Jabber:
mtr1966 at

"I find many of the machines of violence very attractive. Tanks,
airplanes, warships, especially aircraft carriers. And the German
U-boats, submarines." --The Dalai Lama
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