Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility (no I'm guilty) and can you help me with my problem?

José Paulo Matafome Oleiro matafomeoleiro at
Thu Aug 3 21:26:14 UTC 2006

Qui, 2006-08-03 às 16:19 -0300, Derek Broughton escreveu:

> Alexander Skwar wrote:
> > Derek Broughton <news at>:
> > 
> >> Todd Slater wrote:
> >> 
> >>> I read, with some sadness, the thread on mounting an ISO as a virtual
> >>> cd-rom. It appears that pointing someone to a web search or man page
> >>> is no longer considered a helpful response.
> >> 
> >> imo it was the phrase:
> >> 
> >>> And you're telling us, that ALL of Google didn't have anything
> >>> wrt. this?
> > 
> > So?
> So?  Why don't you just assume that the massive number of responses largely
> agreeing with Michael - who tends to be very difficult to agree with -
> should be a clue that nobody else understood your statement to mean what
> you thought it meant.
> -- 
> derek

I think thread is going out of control. I'm the person that asked for
this help I know. But I think that all people here are a community of
open source fans. I don't know how to work much with the shell, I know
it's my laziness, and sometimes I doesn't remember to do man program ok.
I'm guilty to from this, but people we live in a society everybody do
mistakes. We only need to help others don't do the same mistake twice.
It's time to go ahead, and start seeking for more knowledge. I'm a
Windows user since 1995, and I've started with Linux at 2001 to 2006
(with some very little experience with this) but today I've ellected
GNU/Linux distros my Operating System of excellence, because the power
they can give to me. Only need to search for good places. But let's stay
in our objective (this could be a personal objective or a community
objective, help GNU/Linux grow with stability).
But after you pointed me the basis, I've learned how to use this iso
file to mount and add the iso to my apt-get directory, and learned one
thing, after adding the repository, or new programs, or started to add
the packages to my system, at the end of this, the iso file is unmounted
automatically. But I'm thinking in one way I can do this without getting
the iso unmount.
For example:
$ sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /isofile /mountpoint && sudo apt-get
install package_name && sudo mount -o loop -t
iso9660 /isofile /mountpoint
(this can mount the iso file at the end of the process again, should it
work, or I need to replace && with || I don't know maybe you can help me
with this out

José Oleiro aka Matafome (#computers at )
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