computer runing slow

Ken Siersma siersmak at
Thu Aug 3 16:04:18 UTC 2006

William Biggs wrote:
> it start up fine but It starts run slow when I star any program's like
> fire fox or any program and at the same time when I when I do I speed
> test I get 700k out of 3mg internet access it. when I open open office
> it take's about 2 min to load 
> On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 11:25 -0400, Ken Siersma wrote:
>> William Biggs wrote:
>>> all the time 
>>> On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 11:08 -0400, Scott Sweeny wrote:
>>>> On 8/3/06, William Biggs <kc8pdr at> wrote:
>>>>> I have a athlon 64bit 512 160g hard drive but when I run unbutu 6.06 the
>>>>> computer run's slow
>>>>> --
>>>>> ubuntu-users mailing list
>>>>> ubuntu-users at
>>>> Is it slow all the time or only when you run certain programs?
>> Could you better define 'runs slow'? 
>> For example, does it boot slowly?  Does it respond sluggishly?  Does it 
>> just seem to be slow to draw things on the screen or does it seem to be 
>> the whole system?  Have you run any benchmarks?  Did you used to have a 
>> different version of linux on there and/or Windows, and it didn't run 
>> slowly then?
>> Help us help you.
>> -Ken
>> -- 
>> Ken Siersma, Software Engineer
>> EKK, Inc.
In addition to Al's comments about running 'top' and 'ps aux', I'd be 
curious to see what is going on in /var/log/messages when openoffice is 
taking so long to open.  The easiest way to do that is open a terminal 
before starting openoffice, then, while openoffice is starting type 
'sudo tail -100 /var/log/messages > /tmp/msg.txt'.  Then, post the 
contents of /tmp/msg.txt here.

Do the same for Al's 'ps aux' command:  'ps aux > /tmp/psaux.txt'.


Ken Siersma, Software Engineer
EKK, Inc.

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